1. Personal Data
The company GTE – Consulting GmbH, Umlberg 1a, A-6123 Terfens, Austria, shall collect, process, and use your personal data solely with your consent, or, as the case may be, upon the placement of an order or conclusion of a contract, for the purposes agreed to by you, or pursuant to other legal provisions in accordance with the GDPR; all under due observation of data protection and civil law provisions.

Only personal data that is necessary to perform and process the ordered services or has been voluntarily provided by you shall be collected. Personal data are all data containing individual pieces of information about one’s personal or factual circumstances, such as the name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, date of birth, age, gender, social security number, video recordings, photos, or voice recordings of individuals, as well as biometric data, such as fingerprints. Such data may also include sensitive information, e.g. health-related information or information in connection with court proceedings.

2. Access and Deletion
As a customer, or, generally, as a person concerned, you have, at any time, the right to obtain information on what data concerning your person have been stored, their origin, recipients, and the purpose of their processing, as well as the right to raise an objection to the use of such data, require that such data be rectified or transmitted, their processing limited, and inaccurate or illegally processed data blocked or deleted.

We request that you notify us in the event of any changes in your personal data.

You are entitled to withdraw your consent with the use of your personal data at any time. Your objection to the use of your personal data, or request for information on, deletion, or rectification of such data, and/or – in as far as no unreasonable cost is connected therewith – their transmission can be sent to the address specified below under point 10 of this Declaration.

Should you be of the opinion that the processing of your personal data by us breaches the valid data protection law, or that your data protection rights have been otherwise infringed, you may complain to the competent supervisory authority. In Austria, the authority competent to handle such complaints is the Austrian Data Protection Authority.

3. Data Safety
The safety of your data is secured through corresponding organizational and technical precautionary measures. Such measures aim, in particular, at the protection of unauthorized, illegal, or also random access, processing, loss, use, and manipulation of data.

Despite the efforts to maintain an otherwise adequately high level of diligence, the possibility that the information provided by you to us via the internet or e-mail shall be viewed or used by a third party cannot be excluded.

Please note that we do not assume the liability of any kind for the disclosure of data not caused by our mistake during transmission of such data, and/or any unauthorized access of such data by third parties (e.g. a hack attack of an e- mail account or telephone, interception of faxes, etc.).

4. Use of Data
We do not use/process the data provided to us for any purpose other than the purpose of the relevant order or contract, the purpose agreed to by you, or another purpose ensuing from legal provisions in accordance with the GDPR. This shall not apply to the use of data for statistical purposes in as far as the data available for such use has been anonymized.

5. Transmission of Data to Third Parties
In order to execute your order, it may be necessary to forward your data to third parties (e.g. lawyers, credit bureaus or agencies, creditor protection associations, insurance companies, service providers employed by us to whom we provide data, etc.), courts or authorities. Any such transmission of your data shall be made exclusively in accordance with the GDPR, especially for the purpose of executing your order or on the basis of your consent granted in advance.

Furthermore, we wish to inform you that in the framework of our receivables management, we regularly obtain factual and case-related information on you from third parties.

Some of the above-mentioned recipients of your personal data are located, or process your personal data, outside your country, or, as the case may be, outside Austria. The level of data protection in other countries may not correspond to that of Austria. However, we only transmit your personal data to the countries in respect of which the EU Commission has ruled that the level of data protection in such countries is adequate, or we take appropriate measures to ensure that all recipients have such adequate level of data protection, in particular by way of incorporating standard contractual clauses (2010/87/EC and/or 2004/915/EC).

6. Reporting Data Leaks
We seek to ensure that data leaks are recognized in time and, where appropriate, immediately reported to you, or the competent supervisory authority, specifying the relevant category of the data thus affected.

7. Storage of Data
We process your data for the duration of our business relationship with you (from initiation, through execution, to the termination of the relevant contract), as well as thereafter pursuant to the statutory requirements for data storage and documentation, following, among other regulations, the Austrian Commercial Code (“Unternehmensgesetzbuch (UGB)”) and the Austrian Federal Fiscal Code (“ Bundesabgabenordnung (BAO)”), as well as until the conclusion of any possible legal dispute, and throughout warranty and guarantee periods, etc.

8. Cookies
Our website uses so-called “cookies” to make our offer user-friendlier, more efficient and safer.

A “cookie” is a short text file that we transfer to the cookie file of your browser on the hard disc of your computer via our web server. This enables our website to recognize you as a user whenever a connection between our web server and your browser is established. Cookies help us to ascertain the frequency with which our internet pages are used and the number of their users. The contents of the cookies used by us are limited to identification numbers that can no longer be directly linked to an individual user. The main purpose of a cookie is to recognize the visitors to our website.

The following two types of cookies can be used by our website:
– Session cookies: These are temporary cookies that remain in the cookies file of your browser until you leave our website and are automatically deleted afterward.
– Permanent cookies: To ensure higher-level user-friendliness, these cookies remain stored on your end device and enable us to recognize your browser when you visit our website again.

You can set your browser so that you are informed whenever cookies are installed. You can allow their use on a case-by-case basis, disable them in specific cases, exclude their use altogether, and activate the automatic deletion of cookies when closing down the browser. If you deactivate the use of cookies, certain functions of our website may be limited.

9. Server Log Files
To optimize our website in terms of system performance, user-friendliness and prompt provision of useful information on our services, the website provider automatically collects and stores information in so-called server log files that are automatically transmitted by your browser to us. Such information includes your internet protocol address (IP address), browser and language settings, operating system, referrer URL, your internet service provider, and date/time.

We do not consolidate such information with your personal data sources. We reserve the right to subsequently verify such information should we receive specific indications of any unlawful use.Our Contact Information It is especially important to us that your data are well protected. You can reach us at any time at the below address, e-mail address, and telephone number should you have any questions or wish to withdraw your consent.

10. Our Contact Information
It is especially important to us that your data are well protected. You can reach us at any time at the below address, e-mail address, and telephone number should you have any questions or wish to withdraw your consent.

GTE – Consulting GmbH
Umlberg 1a
A-6123 Terfens
E-Mail: s.volgger@gte-consulting.com
Phone: +43 699 157 71 002